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Seoul Night Go

Charles Yg의 사진
Hosted By
Charles Y.
Seoul Night Go

세부 정보

The CES go club is a Go club in Seoul. We play every 2nd Sundays and a few Tuesdays of the month at the Fairtrade Hyehwa café. There are no fees. All levels are accepted so beginners are more than welcomed to join !
We usually pair beginners with experienced players to learn fast about this game. We often finish the event with a dinner together.
For more info, you can DM on IG: https://www.instagram.com/seoul_ces_go?igsh=Y2w0eXdwdzU5Z202&utm_source=qr

Photo of CES Go Seoul group
CES Go Seoul
더 많은 이벤트 보기
Fairtrade Café, Séoul Hyehwa
Jongro-gu Dongsung-gil, 142, · Seoul
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location