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그룹 소개

(한국어 설명은 아래에 있어요)
Hey there, neighbor! 👋 Welcome to [Make A Circle] Gwanggyo Global Neighbors/Language Exchange! We're all about getting people in Gwanggyo to hang out, make friends, and have a bunch of fun while learning about each other's cultures. 🌍

Love a good coffee chat? ☕️ So do we! We host chill meetups every Saturday morning 🌅 at a local coffee place. Whether you're from around the world 🌏 or just around the corner, we're all about making everyone feel welcome. Especially to our international friends, we've got your back! 💪

But wait, there's more. We've got something super exciting brewing - a Language Exchange Program 🗣️. You're gonna love it, trust us. It's a fun way to learn and practice English and Korean while making new pals.

We're big on celebrating diversity and embracing all the rich cultures that make up Gwanggyo. ⭐️ This is a space for everyone to feel safe, heard, and valued. Because at the end of the day, we're all neighbors sharing this wonderful place. 🏘️

So come join us, meet some awesome people 👫, learn a few words in a new language 📚, and who knows, you might even discover your new best friend! 🤝 Let's make Gwanggyo an even more awesome place to live. Together, we can make a circle that includes everybody. 🤗

See you soon at our next meetup! 🎉


저희는 한국인 외국인 할거없이 누구나 광교 이웃이라면 동네친구로서 편하게 그리고 재밌게 함께 영어나 한국어로 대화하고 한국어-영어 언어교환도 하고 서로의 문화에 대해서 배워가는 그룹입니다!

매주 토요일 오전에 가까운 카페에서 정기 모임이 있구요. 캐주얼한 이웃들과의 모임이니 편한 마음으로 오셔서 자유롭게 이야기 나누시면 됩니다^^

저희는 다양한 문화의 사람들이 함께 안전하고 즐겁게 공존하며 서로에게 배우고 서로를 감사하게 생각하는 공동체를 꿈꾸는 사람들입니다. 한국에 계신 외국인분들도 환영받는 곳이 될수 있고, 한국인 분들도 열린 마음으로 새로운 문화를 배우고 받아들이고 다양성의 한국을 만들어가는 작은 발걸음을 내딛는 그룹이 되길 소망합니다.

누구든 상관없습니다. 국적, 나이 (성인만), 성별, 언어 레벨 다 상관없으니 편안한 마음으로 들러보세요! 다른 문화 출신 동네 친구 하나씩은 이제 있어야죠. 시대가 어느 시댄데!

다음 Meetup에서 뵐게요!^^

=== Community Covenant ===

1. Respect for All: Every individual is unique and brings their own contribution to the group. Let's respect everyone's individuality, background, and experiences. Discrimination of any kind, including on the basis of nationality, gender, religion, age, language level, etc., will not be tolerated.

2. Open-Mindedness: This group aims to foster a greater understanding of diverse cultures. Please approach all interactions with an open mind, curiosity, and a willingness to learn.

3. Safe Environment: We are committed to providing a safe space for all participants. This means no harassing or offensive behavior, and treating everyone with kindness.

4. Constructive Communication: We believe that constructive and positive communication forms the foundation of our community. Please refrain from any form of slander, abuse, or negativity.

5. Language Respect: While we encourage practicing languages, please be patient with members who are learning and make an effort to assist rather than ridicule or criticize.

6. Participation: Active engagement and participation is key. Please attend the meetups regularly, contribute to discussions, and help out when you can.

7. Responsibility: We should all take responsibility for our actions and uphold the integrity of our community. If you see something that goes against our covenant, please bring it to the attention of the organizers.

8. Privacy: Respect the privacy of all members. Personal information shared within the group should not be disclosed outside without explicit permission.

Remember, our goal is to create a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive community where everyone feels at home. Let's work together to make Gwanggyo an even more awesome place to live.

This community is shaped by you - its members, so let's make sure it's a friendly and supportive place for everyone!

예정된 이벤트(4+개)

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