Meet others in your local are that are believers in the Norse religion of Asatru. Asatru is also known as Fornsedr, Heathenry, Northvedr, Odinism and Theodish Belief.
그룹관련 주제:
가장 큰 Asatru 그룹
The San Jose Pagan and Magick Meetup Group
1,074 Pagan/Magickal Practioners | San Jose,주최자: South Bay Circles
OC Pagans, Witches, & Heathens Meetup
주최자: MistressPrime
Heathens United
주최자: Ragnvaldr
Witches of Silicon Valley
주최자: South Bay Circles
Skylands Asatru Fellowship Meetup
주최자: Skylands Asatru
최신 Asatru 그룹
Pine Tree Odinist Study Group
1 Members
1월 1일에 us Boothbay Harbor에서 시작됨
Greeneville Heathens and Pagans
5 Members
1월 1일에 us Greeneville에서 시작됨
LIHNPC Meetup Group
3 Members
1월 1일에 us Holbrook에서 시작됨
Southeast Michigan Pagan Meetup
59 Members
1월 1일에 us Troy에서 시작됨
Austin Asatru Inclusive Meetup Group
18 Members
1월 1일에 us Austin에서 시작됨
Dover New Vinland Meetup Group
28 Members
1월 1일에 us Dover에서 시작됨