Meet other local BookCrossers for conversation and fun! Come to a BookCrossing Meetup to trade favorite reads, discuss journals and share secrets on the best places to find and release books "in the wild."
그룹관련 주제:
가장 큰 Book Swap 그룹
London's Friendly 20- and 30-Somethings Book Club!
6,086 London Bookworms | London,주최자: Daniel Corradi Stevens
London Silent Book Club
주최자: Si Ning
🚀 The Science Fiction Book Club
주최자: Gerard
최신 Book Swap 그룹
Booked and Busy Book Club
7 Members
1월 1일에 us Cincinnati에서 시작됨
Ruislip Book Study Meetup Group
13 Members
1월 1일에 gb Ruislip에서 시작됨
The Artist’s Way Book Club MTP
1 Members
1월 1일에 fr Montpellier에서 시작됨
Bay Area Reading Club
39 Members
1월 1일에 us San Jose에서 시작됨
Chennai Bookworms Group
22 Members
1월 1일에 in Chennai에서 시작됨
The Wild Artist Book Club
7 Wild Souls
1월 1일에 es Barcelona에서 시작됨