Meet other local people who are interested in building better community with their neighbors. Gather to discuss more improved ways of dealing with neighborhood harassment or violence. Learn how to connect, cooperate, and communicate with those in your community!
그룹가장 큰 Neighbors 그룹
Crown Heights Meetup
주최자: Bill
Get together for Kensington, Park Slope, and Windsor Terrace
851 zipcode neighbors | Brooklyn,주최자: David Greene
최신 Neighbors 그룹
Block Party for One
1 Members
1월 1일에 us Chicago에서 시작됨
32 Members
1월 1일에 de Nürnberg에서 시작됨
CityPlace-Fort York Neighbours
29 Members
1월 1일에 ca Toronto에서 시작됨
The Miami Sandpiper Neighborhood Unity Meetup Group
4 Members
1월 1일에 us North Miami Beach에서 시작됨
Progressive Land Park / South Land Park Neighbors
0 Members
1월 1일에 us Sacramento에서 시작됨
CHAPS: Cedar Hills Area Preservation Society, 32210
2 Members
1월 1일에 us Jacksonville에서 시작됨