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Making Art Discovering Seoul in the National Museum Outdoor Space

Ursula의 사진
Hosted By
Making Art Discovering Seoul in the National Museum Outdoor Space

세부 정보

Hello everyone,
I am excited to announce our first event!

The National Museum of Korea is a hidden gem in Seoul, boasting many stunning spots. We'll meet in front of A Twosome Place at the museum and explore together. Don't miss the Pagoda Garden, which features a variety of pagoda styles.

We draw to see better.
When drawing, you may uncover connections you would never have noticed by just passively looking. Drawing allows us to internalize our experience of a subject, capture its essence, and in a way, make it our own.
Use museums as an extension of your studio and discover whatever inspires you!

What to bring

  • Pen & paper (whatever you prefer—it doesn't matter as long as it suits you)
  • Nothing else—you have your smartphone!


  • 11:00 AM: Meet and greet
  • 11:30 AM: Explore and create art
  • 1:00 PM: Reconvene at the café to share our work (optional)

Remember, sharing our creations helps us all improve!

Ways of Being is a sister meetup to Sunday Book Club.
If you are a book lover, this is the right place for you. For more information, please click the link below.
WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/G5e92pk21PJD9g6xczV4Vi

Photo of Ways of Being group
Ways of Being
더 많은 이벤트 보기
Twosome Place National Museum of Korea
서울 용산구 서빙고로 137 국립중앙박물관 · Seoul
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location