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What we’re about

Experience Kyoto's Traditional Culture and Enjoy a Moment of Serenity

Join us for a special tea ceremony event held in the lobby of the hotel, where you can immerse yourself in the art of matcha. You will have the opportunity to watch a demonstration of tea-making, then try your hand at preparing matcha yourself, and share it with the person next to you.

Event Details

  1. Matcha Preparation Demonstration

    • First, you will be introduced to the basics of the tea ceremony, followed by a detailed demonstration of how to prepare matcha.
  2. Matcha Tasting

    • Savor the freshly prepared matcha, enjoying its rich aroma and flavor.
  3. Hands-on Experience

    • Try making your own matcha and share it with your neighbor, creating a shared moment of tea enjoyment.

This event is perfect for those interested in Japanese culture, newcomers to matcha, or anyone looking to relax and make new connections in a calm atmosphere. Don’t miss this chance to experience the tea culture of Kyoto.

We look forward to welcoming you!





  1. 抹茶の点て方を観賞

    • まずは、茶道の基本に触れていただき、抹茶の点て方を丁寧にご紹介します。
  2. 抹茶の試飲

    • 点てたばかりの抹茶を味わい、その香りと風味を楽しんでください。
  3. 実践体験

    • ご自身で抹茶を点ててみましょう。完成した抹茶を隣の方に振る舞い、お互いにお茶を楽しむひとときを共有します。



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