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What we’re about

Purpose of this group: Learn strategies for dating/marriage, masculinity, and activities for men. My name is Dustin, and I recently turned 40 and came out of hell so bascially you don't have to lol. What I mean is I've learned to find heaven right here on Earth, a more spiritual connection and greater inner mind/strength for living. I'm not here to make money, I already have a steady job. The No More Mr. Nice Guy book coupled with a few others have really opened my world. An ex-alcoholic, who's depression and childhood beliefs made for unnecessary suffering and anguish. I have nothing but love, and would like to see my fellow men strive and succeed in a world that is confusing.

Who should Join: Any male that would like to find their Tribe. Individuals who would like to improve their lives and network, build friendships and have a blast at the same time. We will be talking about self-help books, going over chapters in certain books, and learning some of the basics of true masculinity. If you have questions about masculinity, alpha and beta categories, self-esteem building, confidence, how to be in the moment and not in your head. If you're interested in letting go, building relationships and learning the tools for finding a truly fulfilling life, then come join.

What will you do at your events?: With the (Covid) pandemic hopefully settling down and opening up new possibilities, all things are possible. You have limitless potential and you probably don't even recognize it. I'm getting a road bike soon (backorder) but some of the events will be riding adventures, hiking, walking, and physical activities to get in shape. Other will be events to go over self-help books, chapters and certain pages to review. It will require you to have dedication, and on the receiving end you will appreciate yourself more and shift some of those old paradigm's that you hold dear. So come join the adventure and find your tribe of great men with purpose. Thanks for reading through this.

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