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Farscape, SciFi, Fantasy, & More Meetup

Photo of Marsia Powers
Hosted By
Marsia P.
Farscape, SciFi, Fantasy, & More Meetup


#Scapers #Scoobies #Browncoats #Whovians #Gaters #Trekkers and all other aficionados of fantastic imagination…

It's that time of the month for 9+ Meetup Groups of geeks/nerds to get together to talk about all of our adventures of the previous month (gone on vacation, read any interesting books, watched any interesting films or TV series, been to any interesting conventions?) and talk about adventures yet to come.

Bring Your Friends!

We're a politics-free zone, unless you're discussing whether the Registration Acts - the Mutant Registration Act (or MRA), Sokovia Accords and Super-human Registration Act (SRA or sometimes SHRA) should be obeyed.

Uncle Bernie's Deli
17615 Ventura Blvd.
Encino, CA 91316
Lots of FREE parking
(kitchen closes at 8pm)

It helps with the AI that you RSVP Going or Maybe. The more that RSVP positively, the more of our members will actually see the event invite.

Photo of Los Angeles Farscape Meetup group
Los Angeles Farscape Meetup
See more events
Uncle Bernie's Delicatessen
17615 Ventura Blvd · Encino, CA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location