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What we’re about

This group is for geeks, nerds and gamers who identify as ladies. Meetups will be focused around video games, board games (like Catan and Dominion not Monopoly and Life), or maybe just watching a movie! Most meetups created will be in Culver City area or Pasadena.
Member Guidelines
Must identify as female.
Must be 18+ but preferably 21+ as there is alcohol at some events. I will not serve you alcohol if you are underage. All our members are expected to be functioning adults and behave responsibly at meetups (you are being let into people's homes). \

Your profile should have something in it! I do read them to make sure you knew what you were signing up for. Your answers should reflect why you're a good fit for a gaming/geeky group. There is no strict enforcement on level of nerdiness (you don't have to be 'hardcore' :p), but this is not a typical ladies hanging out group. \

Try to be courteous on your RSVPs. If you have never attended a meetup, and you no show or cancel your RSVP last minute 3 times in a row you will be removed and banned from the group. This rule stops people from taking spots in capped events when they had no intention of ever showing up to any meetups. \





Guidelines for Meetups (only need to be referred to if you're making a meetup)
Meetups must specify Ladies Only or All Genders. "All Genders" means that a lady who is a member of the meetup knows this person, and they are her guest. Other genders are not allowed to join this group directly.

No spam or advertising! Please advertise elsewhere. If you are interested in sponsoring the meetup for advertising, please contact me directly. All advertising that is not a sponsor will be removed with possible removal of the member involved. costs organizers money to use.
This is not a rule, but I suggest attending a meetup before hosting to get to know the community and for everyone to get to know you. They'll be more likely to come if they enjoyed hanging out with you :)