What we’re about
We are a diverse group of positive, fun and welcoming women who get together for awesome times to do super fun thing!! (Seriously, it's that good!) Whether it be to dine out, attend wine tastings, martini nights, craft nights, game nights, comedy clubs and more, we definitely know how to have fun at ANY AGE!
This group thrives on women just wanting to have a good time with great friends new and old! We typically plan 3-6 events each month, so you'll be sure to find something you like! The majority of events will take place in the lakes area. Please RSVP and attend an event within the first 60 days of joining so we can meet you.
*** $5 member dues are due within 60 days of joining, whether you have attended an event or not, in order to remain in the group. Dues repeat annually.
** A clear and current photo of yourself on your profile is required before you are approved to join the group. This is so we know who to look for!
No Show/Cancellation Policy: After three (3) No Shows you will be removed from the group, and you will forfeit your $5.00 membership fee. If you have RSVPd YES to an event and something comes up, please change your RSVP to NO no later than 24 hours before the event starts. If something comes up last minute, please comment on the event page so we know you won't be making it. Depending on the event, anyone with excessive last minute cancellations will be subject to membership review. Out of respect for the venue and the event hosts, please do not "just show up" to an event that is full. We appreciate the frustration of being on the wait list and ask that you follow the rules.