What we’re about
According to Meetup.com, we are "One of the most active Meetup groups in the world"
Taiwan Travel & Language Exchange is evolving into an umbrella structure for people all over Taiwan to coordinate joint activities with and for people who want to practice or learn English, get together to socialize, go hiking with experienced volunteer leaders, or join occasional one-time activities.
While Taiwan is often described as 'a small island,' it's large enough that it is both complex and expensive for anyone to attend events everywhere. As a result, most of the Social Networking activities tend to be centered in Taipei and everyone else has been ignored.
So, no matter where in Taiwan you are located, we invite you to join this group. Existing members in your area will do their best to get you involved in local events and the group itself will give you a view of things all over Taiwan. If you should find yourself traveling or moving to another area, you will already have contacts you can connect with.
While English is the most common language among us, Mandarin Chinese is equally important and welcome.
Who should join us?
Anyone who can manage enough English or Mandarin to communicate in this setting is welcome.
Anyone who seeks opportunities to socialize with speakers of one or both of these languages will find them here.
Anyone living in Taiwan or planing to come here is also welcome.
Anyone not living or traveling to Taiwan but interested in what people are doing here is welcome but you are less likely to find much benefit.
If you use this Meetup group to distribute commercial advertising, you will be warned and may be banned without further warning!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Tuesdays Taipei Taiwan Board Game & Language Exchange - 星期二 台北 台灣 語言交換 & 桌遊DeRoot 休閒空間, Taipei City
Meetup Tuesdays 6~10 pm
New people - Make international and local friends - Practice languages & Have fun ;)
There are around 500 different Boardgames collections. The average numbers of participants is around 30 people
Korean ( sometimes )
French ( sometimes )Time & Date: Every Tuesday 6:00 ~ 10:00 PM Location: ( DeRoot休閒空間 ) MRT Zhongxiao Xinsheng Exit 5 Orange & Blue line
Fees & Rules: • $150 NT ( Come & leave any time ) • Unlimited Drinks ( tea, milk tea & juice ) • Outside food is allowed, but please bring the trash with you when you leave.
If you have any questions, please contact us by the following;
Please check out social media for event photos and info.
活動照片和資訊在 IG,Line,FB 上面有。-
我們的哀居 Our Instagram
https://www.instagram.com/taiwan_event_english_exchange?igsh=MW5yaHZrc2hhOG9zbQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr -
我們的賴 Official Line
https://page.line.me/867yyhrg -
我們的臉書 Our Facebook
- 台北台日国際交流会|言語交換|活動|イベント|パーティー|ゲーム|おしゃべり|会話|友達作り|日本語|中国語|英語|台湾|台灣|中文|英文|日文|DeRoot 休閒空間, Taipei City
毎週 火曜日 夜6時~10時
毎週 木曜日 夜6時~10時場所:DeRoot休閒空間 ( MRT 捷運忠孝新生 駅 5番出口 )
場地費:$150元(お茶、ミルクティー、ジュース 飲み放題)イベント内容:
A 60分間 ーーー 日本語
B 60分間 ーーー 中国語
C 60分間 ーーー ゲーム
D 60分間 ーーー 自由時間
E 60分間 ーーー 英語ご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。興味がある方は、DMで申し込んでください。
インスタグラム Our Instagram IG @ taiwan_event_japan_exchange https://www.instagram.com/taiwan_event_japan_exchange/
我們的賴 ライン Official Line https://page.line.me/854xqjao
我們的臉書 フェイスブック Our Facebook facebook.com/TaiwanJapanExchange/ - International language exchange game party - ( Mandarin, English, Japanese )DeRoot 休閒空間, Taipei City
New people - Make international and local friends - Practice languages & Have fun ;)
1 hour: Mandarin Chinese Conversation
1 hour: English conversation
1 hour: boardgames
1 hour: Free timePlace: DeRoot 休閒空間 Time: 6:00 pm to 10 pm, Every Tuesdays Event: Boardgames & Language Exchange Cost: $150 nt for whole night, including unlimited tea
1小時:桌遊 遊戲
1小時:自由時間地點:DeRoot 休閒空間 時間:每週二 晚上6 點 分至 晚上 10點 活動:桌遊與中文英文語言交流 費用:整晚150台幣,含無限量茶。
可以帶外食!麻煩離開時帶走垃圾🧭 Google map / 導航
( Near MRT Zhongxiao Xinsheng 捷運忠孝新生附近)https://maps.app.goo.gl/d9jVZuTqU5bPEhww5?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy
如果您有任何疑問,請透過以下方式與我們聯絡: If you have any questions, please contact us by the following;
• 我們的 Twitter X https://twitter.com/TaiwanEngExch
• 我們的賴 ライン Official Line https://page.line.me/867yyhrg
• 我們的臉書 フェイスブック Our Facebook facebook.com/TaiwanEnglishExchange/
• 我們的哀居 インスタグラム Our Instagram instagram.com/taiwan_event_english_exchange/
• Instagram ID @taiwan_event_english_exchange