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Online session to gauge interest

Photo of John Lynch
Hosted By
John L.
Online session to gauge interest


Hello everyone!

My name is John Lynch. I recently moved to the area this year and noticed that the Lansdale area there is a lack of animation clubs. I thought I would take it upon myself to see if I could setup a in-person weekly club for people to show off their favorite shows and movies. For our first session, we will be discussing potential plans for how this group will take off. We will meet on Zoom to gauge potential numbers for how many people will show up when we start hosting sessions in person. This meeting will be very helpful for creating this club, so if you have any ideas, please feel free to join and suggest ideas!

Discord link can be found here:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 2714 6052
Passcode: 4PpU4L

Photo of Lansdale Animation Meetup Group group
Lansdale Animation Meetup Group
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