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What we’re about

Food Sponsored by A2 hosting. A2 Hosting is a web hosting company based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan with data centers across the globe. At A2, we specialize in performance based hosting for everyone, with a proactive service team working around the clock. Whether you've never run a website before or are a professional developer, rest assured we have a web hosting solution to meet your unique needs!

We're a group of people who buy into the idea of DevOps: the idea that development and operations should work closely together, to make each other's lives easier. It's entirely possible that development and operations can be the same group, although not necessary.

DevOps is an idea that we feel has merit, but like all ideas everyone interprets it differently and puts it into practice differently.

This group is about exploring DevOps and seeing how we can use the idea and practices around it to build a better future.

We meet on the first Tuesday of every month, at the Communication Arts and Sciences building in East Lansing