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What we’re about

Welcome to the Carnivore & Ketovore Eating Meetup group! Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just curious about these unique dietary lifestyles, this group is for you.

Who We Are:
We are a community of individuals dedicated to exploring and thriving on the carnivore and ketovore ways of eating. Our members range from those who follow a strict carnivore diet to those who incorporate some keto-friendly foods into their routine.

What We Do:

• Monthly Meetups: Join us for monthly gatherings where we share our experiences, tips, recipes, and support each other on our health journeys.
• Guest Speakers: Learn from experts in the field of nutrition, health, and wellness who can provide insights and answer your burning questions.
• Recipe Swaps: Discover new and delicious ways to enjoy your carnivore or ketovore diet with recipe exchanges and cooking demos.
• Support & Accountability: Connect with like-minded individuals who understand the challenges and triumphs of this lifestyle, providing a supportive and motivating environment.

Why Join Us:

• Community: Find a supportive network of individuals who share your dietary interests and can offer encouragement and advice.
• Education: Gain access to valuable resources, expert knowledge, and the latest research on carnivore and ketovore diets.
• Health & Wellness: Improve your health and well-being by learning more about how these dietary lifestyles can benefit you.

Who Should Join:

• Anyone interested in learning more about the carnivore and ketovore ways of eating.
• Individuals currently following a carnivore or ketovore diet looking for community and support.
• Health enthusiasts and those curious about alternative dietary lifestyles.

Whether you’re here to share your journey, seek advice, or simply learn more, we welcome you with open arms. Let’s embark on this health journey together and make the most out of our carnivore and ketovore lifestyles!

Join us today and be part of a community that understands and supports your dietary choices.