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What we’re about

Welcome to the Lausanne Stoa Meetup group dedicated to the exploration and practice of Stoic philosophy. Our mission is to gather individuals who share a passion for Stoicism and are eager to delve into its teachings to enrich our lives and those around us.

Inspired by the ancient concept of oikeiosis, as described by Zeno, and developed by Hierocles' Circles of Concern, we believe in the natural affinity we have to form meaningful connections and grow together. Our gatherings will serve as a platform to discuss how Stoic principles can be applied to modern living, fostering resilience, wisdom, and virtue.

We plan to organize regular meetups where we can engage in thoughtful discussions, share insights from our readings, and reflect on the practical applications of Stoicism. Whether it's exploring the works of Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, or Seneca, or delving into contemporary interpretations, our goal is to support each other in our philosophical journey.

In addition to intellectual exchanges, we will also host activities that align with Stoic values, such as hikes and other outings that allow us to appreciate nature and practice mindfulness. Through these experiences, we aim to build a community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and the pursuit of a virtuous life.

Join us to make new friends, exchange ideas, and support each other in becoming better human beings. Together, we can cultivate a space that nurtures character development and the pursuit of excellence.

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