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What we’re about

Welcome to LDS Singles 50+ of Northern Utah
We are a FUN group of LDS Singles ages 50 and up who live along the Wasatch Front. We are not a “dating site” but rather an “introduction site” where great single friends with common values can meet in a safe environment, become friends while enjoying amazing activities together and then date outside of the group if they wish. Although we cater to the 50+ crowd we do understand that some bordering on 50 favor others a few years younger or older than themselves. For that reason we DO allow members aged 45 to 50 to join as well.
The LDS Church no longer has “Singles Wards” and many LDS Singles miss them. That is where our Meetup group comes into play! We offer all kinds of fun, friendly activities for our members to participate in, always in consideration of the boundaries that the Lord has set.
We are an active group and our events cater to the unique needs of the 50+ LDS Singles crowd. We are not in competition with other groups that include singles in their 30's or 40's. We are far more interested in providing quality of activities than quantity on our calendar. Some of our events will be small and more intimate, while others will be expanded to include all who can attend. We also sponsor many FREE Events so that all might be included.
Our basic premise is that if there is a type of event that you wish to attend and you don’t want to go alone, let’s see if there aren’t some other group members who will sign up to attend as a group. i.e. You want to go bowling, to a movie, out to a Chinese Restaurant, a concert or a picnic in the park…. Just let one of our Co-Organizers know well in advance and we’ll do our best to organize a MeetUp around the activity and make it happen as a group of friends. We encourage activities from Payson to Brigham City & Logan, and from Tooele to Park City & Heber.
So come and join us in the fun as we make new single friends in the 50+ crowd and enjoy each other's company. Some the events we are planning include Temple trips and Road Trips, game nights, concerts both indoors and outdoors, restaurants, plays, hiking, bowling, minature golf, murder mystery dinners, BBQ’s, a FrontRunner Train Party, a Kite Party and a story-telling night, just to mention a few!
** This is a "Closed Group" and member profiles and locations and specifics of our activities can only be viewed by members. Click to join and we'll approve your membership as soon as possible and include you in the FUN!