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What we’re about

The League is NOT for women only! The League of Women Voters has a long and storied past; it sprang from the Suffrage movement and is rooted in tradition.

The League of Women Voters of North East Westchester (LWVNEW) serves Bedford, Lewisboro, Mount Kisco, North Salem & Pound Ridge, New York.

LWVNEW is part of a national, nonpartisan political organization. We take positions on issues but never endorse or oppose candidates or political parties. The League encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

On a local level, voter service is a huge part of our core mission. We register voters and hold candidate forums in the spring and fall. We produce printed and online Voters Guides which provide valuable information about candidates, candidate forums, and polling places.

Our youth outreach efforts include voter registration drives at area high schools and the selection of local students for the Students Inside Albany (SIA) Conference. SIA is an annual program sponsored by the League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation which brings together 60 high school students from across the state for a first-hand education about New York’s government. The program is designed to increase high school students' awareness of their responsibility as future voters in representative government.

No matter what your age, the League of Women Voters of North East Westchester is committed to providing voter education and information to local residents. Voting Membership in LWVNEW is open to ANYONE who is a citizen of the United States and sixteen years of age or older. Associate (non-voting) membership is available for younger people and non-citizens.

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