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What we’re about

Are you unhappy about the over reach of the federal government? Tired of your rights gradually and subtly being taken away? Think we need Term Limits?

Then join us and learn about Article V of the U.S. Constitution. This is the only solution left to get this country back on track to the constitutional republic of which it was intended.

This gathering is for anyone who still believes in America, is a patriot, and wants to be a part of the change to get this country back on tract. Stop complaining and get involved!

You will learn about (1) the problems facing the US, (2) the solution to these problems in Article V, (3) how Article V works, (4) the strategy of the local grassroots efforts for a calling of a convention, and (5) how to get involved. And be with like minded Americans that want to see a positive change.

The Convention of States project seeks to propose amendments to the Constitution to: (1) impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, (2) limit the federal government's power and jurisdiction, and (3) impose term limits on its officials, judges, bureaucrats, and members of Congress.

Sign the petition at

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