Embodied Leadership - the Future is Human
In partnership with Women in Digital Switzerland Zug, please register directly on their website at:https://www.womenindigitalswitzerland.com/events
As automation and AI continue to accelerate, human skills are now more critical to success than technical skills. Embodying human skills—emotional intelligence, authenticity, and empathy—builds trust, fosters inclusion, and strengthens resilience.
Embodied leadership develops self-awareness, enhances self-regulation, and expands a leader’s capacity to navigate complexity with clarity and confidence.
In this experiential workshop, we will explore how a whole-body approach to leadership:
deepens connection with oneself and others
improves communication, collaboration, and decision-making
supports executive presence, authentic communication, and inspiring change.
Catherine Peloquin is an organizational development consultant and executive coach (ICF PCC) with over 20 years of experience in communications, learning, and leadership development within the life sciences. A former television journalist, Catherine leads culture and transformation programs, facilitates C-suite and leadership teams, and coaches leaders at all levels.
She is an embodiment expert with more than 10 years of somatic coaching experience and 1,200+ hours of training in embodied transformation, authentic relating, somatic experiencing, nature therapy, and trauma-informed coaching and consulting. Her passion is empowering women, inclusive leadership and inspiring people to reconnect with their wisdom within.
Embodied Leadership - the Future is Human