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Online Game Night and Movie Discussion (Christspiracy)

Photo of Brian (River)
Hosted By
Brian (.
Online Game Night and Movie Discussion (Christspiracy)


Join us for an online hang out of friendly, insightful conversation, gaming and movie discussion. Watch the movie(s) on your own before the event, or just come to chat about the general topic....and play some fun online games.

This month we'll discuss Christspiracy which is available to watch free online. The film looks at the ethical integrity of world religion, a spin on the teaching of Christ that is actually somewhat sensible, and how humanity treats its fellow earthlings. I think the film will make a good discussion for secular humanists to discuss how our movement measures up.

You can watch the Christspiracy film for free HERE

After the movie chat our usual game line up will include Jackbox Party Games: Murder Trivia, Quiplash and other party games (each participant will need a second device : smartphone or tablet connected to the internet and device to run Zoom)

Brian will lead us on Zoom. Use this LINK to join the Zoom call.

Photo of Lehigh Valley Humanists group
Lehigh Valley Humanists
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Every 2nd Monday of the month until December 27, 2024

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