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Crystal Dolphin Ocean healing Meditation

Photo of Debi McKee crystalhealer~~{🔮💫
Hosted By
Debi McKee c.
Crystal Dolphin Ocean healing Meditation


in person guided MEDITATION on the sand

1 hr visual meditation to clear and strengthen w your dolphin guide from Lemurian times 20-

let me know if you need anything.
dm me direct #crystals #crystalworkshop #debimckee #classesathome #psychicreadings #clairvoyance

5ish- just before sunset Class fee: 20$ Changed this to an end of the day/week/month Crystal Healing Meditation on the beach. The twilight time is so precious and a sweet time to release the months energies and stresses of the day. The oceans natural sounds and fresh salty air cleanse you deeper than you know!How to heal and power up ourselves comfortably, simply, with ease and grace. We will do this once a month increasing the energies as we get through the months. A Chakra will be focused ea time

}~~**Dolphin, Mermaid, Triton, Energies will be called on and you will be floated thru an amazing meditation working on a different Chakra ea time, with Crystals on your body in the sand. True Lemurian world
**then you may advance to the next level

***bring your, journal and your favorite Crystal buddies

}~~You do not have to be a healer to join this class, just a few 'basic' tools to get you on your way to keeping smooth and happy 24/7.There are many different crystals that are needed to preform and enhance you talent as a sentient loving being, healer or lightworker. I will pick three stones to work with and we will use them in meditations at the beach by the ocean

meet your Lemurian/Atlantean Dolphin Guide to call on at any time~~{

This is a special class for students with deep curiosity to grow as a loving breathing active 5 dimensional being. So important in this fast paced world!

~~~ we will set some extra Blessings for the Ocean that we will be next to, activating what we wish by blessing our Crystals in the Ocean.

~~ As a Healer, Reader, Intuit, Or just on your own spiritual pathe...

**Expansion through the Heightened Lemurian/Atlantean Energy that has been re-awakened, remembered and repurposed from those times.Attune to Spirit and Awaken the Healer within, it is so very much easier down by the water!The sea encourages to let go the.mind chatter.There are many different crystals, special rituals, writings and methods to working with Spirit by the Sea.White Light of the Holy Spirit, God, Mama Gaia, Angels, many names there are, but the source is the same. There are many different modalities to talking with God, forms and methods of Healing, but sometimes it is still difficult to FEEL God's Presents in the hands and Heart. We can discuss the differences and what you have tried and had difficulty with. Sometimes just slowing down with a like-minded group can really help you find that place so you can jump into it again at any time. We will run through some meditations and call upon sprit and awaken your hands, Heart and higher Crowns to 'Feel the vibrational shift' of the White Light.This will be a step up to further your healing skills, personal awareness and growth as a High Vibrational Being on this planet; a new level of Universal Energie' as one!!!
**This is the fun class of the month so bring your friends because there will be plenty of learning with lots of laughter. The Crystal's of the Mermaid Cottage will be open and ready to be played with and possibly taken home .The Ocean desperately needs our blessing too and if anyone wishes another visit to the sea we can arrange that.~~~{ This is a very big topic and I would love to make this a short series that we could continue to open and develop your skills.
hope to see you!!

If you need a deeper reading, healing or adjustment let me know we can set up an appointment(on the sand is fabulous)
Debi McKee
Text 949-392-0409
[email protected]

ps. please let me know as soon as possible if you are thinking of coming, we need 3 to hold class. you could be the final reason if we keep the class up or not, so call even if the web says it is closed, k?

Photo of Lemurian Crystal Energy Workshops by the Sea! group
Lemurian Crystal Energy Workshops by the Sea!
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Every last Friday of the month

Doheny State Beach
34664 Pacific Coast Highway · Capistrano Beach, CA
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