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What we’re about

You’re a person of the global majority and you’re ready to make significant changes in your life. You want to work with a coach and it’s important to you that your coach is also BIPOC. This group caters to the thrivelihood of BIPOC professionals. Btw, that word 'professional' includes artists, activists, and people who don't work in offices.

You have personal and professional ideas and visions you want to explore, but you’ve kept holding yourself back. And you haven't yet figured out how to make it all happen. You want to experience a whole other level of thriving in multiple areas of your life.

You want to FEEL much more ALIVE than you do right now. You want to experience awe, wonder, and magic on a regular basis. And you want to feel stable, secure, and internally liberated so you can create some epic shit with your life and professional work.

You read personal growth books and listen to all the podcasts. You’ve been thinking about hiring a coach to expedite your dreams and desires coming to fruition. And you’re ready to follow through because you want to make better decisions about your life and career. The kind of decisions that leave you feeling powerful, confident, and clear about the direction your life is going.

The kind of decisions that leave you feeling GOOD about the caliber and quality of relationships in your life, both social AND professional.

The kind of decisions that fill your life with creativity, inspiration, love, adventure, joy, ease, freedom, fun, and magic.

You’ve been searching for a life and mindset coach, but haven't yet found someone who:

(1) "gets you" from a cultural perspective; basically someone who’s also of the global majority.

(2) is culturally sensitive, trauma-informed, and trauma-responsive so you feel safe sharing intimate details about your life with them;

(3) coaches on mindset, emotions, AND action.

You’re in the right place.


About Coach Valerie
As an Internal Liberation Life and Mindset Coach and founder of Feel Good Kick Ass™, I primarily work with BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color aka humans of the global majority) to create the life of their heart’s desires. I graduated summa cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Communication and received two coaching certifications from other organizations afterwards. My coaching approach is somatically-inclined, meaning we work with your body AND your brain to facilitate the internal and tangible transformations you experience through coaching. I also coach from a standpoint that dismantles internalized (and therefore, externalized) white-supremacist patriarchy. And I do that from a lens that looks at the intersection of history, pre-historic cultures, anthropology, archaeology, spirituality, the cosmos, and metaphysics. For more info, visit

I look forward to meeting you.