What we’re about
Welcome to the Lisbon Witch Craft Coven! This group is for witches, pagans, and those interested in magick and the occult. We gather to support each other in our practice, share knowledge and experiences, and explore various aspects of witchcraft. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out on your magical journey, this group is a safe space for you to connect with like-minded individuals and deepen your understanding of the craft. Join us for rituals, workshops, discussions, and more as we embrace the power of the mystical arts in beautiful Lisbon.
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Ostara Meeting/EncontroNeeds location
(PT) Vamos celebrar Ostara com um encontro onde partilhamos sobre a estação, fazemos actividades e pequenos rituais de celebração.
Quando: 21 de Março
Horas: 17h00
Local: a anunciar no grupo de whatsapp https://chat.whatsapp.com/BWgMOhLrsBeJkegQ4P8Bh9(ENG) Let's celebrate Ostara with a gathering where we will share about the season, do activities and small celebratory rituals.
When: March 21st
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: to be announced in the WhatsApp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/BWgMOhLrsBeJkegQ4P8Bh9