Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
In November, we'll be diving into the classic science fiction novel, Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card. This thrilling story follows young Ender Wiggin, a child prodigy recruited to train in an elite battle school where the fate of humanity rests on his shoulders. As Ender navigates the intense pressures of his training, he faces moral dilemmas and personal challenges that explore deeper questions about leadership, war, and the cost of victory.
Help Support Our Meetup!
To help cover the costs of organizing and maintaining the Meetup group, I am kindly asking for small donations of $1 per month or $12 per year. Your contributions will help me keep the group active and continue hosting regular events.
You can donate in cash at any event, or send an e-transfer to [email protected]. Every little bit helps, and I greatly appreciate your support!
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card