How to create a Zoo management web app

All companies need software to manage their operation even zoos. Employees management, Animals inventory, planning of feeding we are going to develop this.
This tutorial will cover how to build this kind of application with symfony and PHP. To follow this tutorial you need some requirement listed below.
What are the requirements?
This section will cover requirements of programming language, skills viewers should have to understand and follow this tutorial.
HTML/CSSDatabases driven websitesPHP POO and SQLMVC comprehension (for symfony 3)And the most important is: desire to learnWhat is the target audience?
Learners who want to enhance their knowledge This course will help the students who are doing their final projects
When are the streaming sessions (streaming schedule)?
Weekly 4:30 PM EST New York time on Tuesday and Thursday
Project Start Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Where can I find sources ?
Sources are available on GitHub pkshetlie/ZooManager ( pushed after each session.
Project Overview:For information : one session is about 3 or 4h maybe more if session is not completed, questions are allowed in English and in French, I respond in the question language. Maybe the project must continue after all session to improve the application.

Every week on Thursday
How to create a Zoo management web app