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What we’re about

A small ‘mature’ group of ordinary people, mostly 58+, based in Llandudno but we operate in Conwy County area, with a few Events outside. Our aim is to bring people together, socialise, exercise, and enjoy the company of friends.

Last year we scheduled some 100 events and to those some 900 attendances.
(Hill Walks 31 @ 3-7 mile; Flat Stroll 18 @; 2-4 miles; Dinner 15; Coffees 14; and 20 odd events like bike ride, theatre and games.)

You are informed that we are nothing more than friends, inviting others to participate. We have no Leaders, no qualifications, no insurance, & no liability. It is up to you to make yourself aware, decide whether you are able or fitted to join an Event, and if you wish, to maintain suitable insurance.
We do however recognise our duty of care to you, so be assured we will look after you to the best we can.

We do need our members to be able to readily participate, therefor we don’t accept applications from further afield than North Wales.
We reserve the right to terminate any membership at any time, without explanation, if for any reason, three existing members make representation to do so.

All applications require an ‘identification’ photo.

We require a Subscription of £5 upon Application.
This will be refunded in the unlikely event of non-approval for membership, or you request same within ONE month, and have NOT attended an Event.

Subscription is £5 and lasts till 30th December, this year; even if you join mid-term.
Payment to:-
1. Bacs (internet) LLOYDS BANK. Llandudno Meetup. Sort Code 30-65-64 A/c 22420560. (please put ref: like your name + ?? so we can identify payment).
2. Alternatively, Cash to DavidS Treasurer. either on walk or a coffee morning.
We do NOT accept cheques or Paypal.