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What we’re about

This group is for anyone interested in reading, discussing, and understanding Christian theology and theological traditions. Whether you want a deeper understanding of particular doctrines (i.e. Trinity, atonement, creation, etc.) or to get to know Christian thinkers (i.e. Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Kierkegaard, Chesterton, Bonhoeffer, Kathryn Tanner, etc.), then come out, enjoy a pint, a glass, or mug and be ready to listen & share. (Or join us on Zoom.)

Standard Format: For these meetings, we wil have a short reading (10 pages or less) to be read in advance. The reading will give context and focus to our discussion and give us some common ground.

Book Study: For these meetings, we will read a chapter or two of the text. In the past, we have read G.K. Chesteron’s Orthodoxy, The Gospel of Mark, and others.

While in authentic convers-ation “conversion” of mind is always a possibility, this group is neither about proselytizing nor about promoting a particular theological tradition. So, all are welcome.

If you find value in this group, consider helping with the cost of the Meetup subscription. You can do so here:

Upcoming events (4+)

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