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Mastering Public Speaking and networking: Emotions and Leadership Workshop

Photo of Laura Ballo Pro
Hosted By
Laura Ballo P.
Mastering Public Speaking and networking: Emotions and Leadership Workshop


Are you hypersensitive or an high potential individual?
Are you getting nervous when you have to speak in public?
Do you feel that it is a main barrier for your career advancement?
You have a lot of emotions and you don’t know how to turn them into a true power?

In this workshop you will learn some keys to become a SensitiveLeader© and orientate your emotions in a way that serve your career.

How this event will be organized?

  • First part: Conference and keys to improve your leadership and public speaking skills.

😰 Overcoming fear of speaking in public: when being hypersensitive our emotions can be an obstacle to speak in public.

💥 Develop your SensitiveLeadership skills: learn how to orientate your emotions in order to succeed in your public speaking presentations. Discover the power of emotions thanks to neuroscience techniques.

  • Second part: Networking between members.

Who am i ?
I am Laura Ballo, i am French. I am specialized in emotional intelligence and leadership. After a French Business school (EDHEC), i have worked several years as a consultant before launching my own public speaking and leadership company 6 years ago.
I am also the author of a book on stress management in public speaking.

This event is free! You just need to register

Photo of London Emotional Leadership Group group
London Emotional Leadership Group
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