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Ukrainian language meetup, Український розмовний Клуб

Photo of Candice
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Ukrainian language meetup, Український розмовний Клуб


Привіт Друзі! An evening of conversation, socialising і говорити Українскою мовою.

You need to at least have completed a beginner's course in Ukrainian - A1 level, and be able to ask and answer basic questions. Native speakers especially welcome - come for a language exchange and meet Ukrainophiles!

This event is free of charge. If you would like to drink or eat something, the social club serves drinks and Ukrainian food. Arrive at 6.15 - 6.T30 if you want to enjoy a meal there before the speaking club starts :)

Photo of London Ukrainian Language Meetup Group group
London Ukrainian Language Meetup Group
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Ukrainian Club
154 Holland Park Avenue, London, W11 4UH · London
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