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Online Meeting - Royal Parks Half Marathon - Volunteer Photographers

Photo of Alex Laberge
Hosted By
Alex L. and Jane
Online Meeting - Royal Parks Half Marathon - Volunteer Photographers


This is a meeting for those who are volunteering to shoot the London Marathon and/or the Royal Parks Half Marathon. We are shooting again this year for Bliss - a charity that helps sick babies and their families.

Please make sure to check your skype connection by using the link up to 2 hours before the meeting so we can help if needed. You can download the skype app or use the online version.

This meeting will give you information on the event such as:

  • Where to go
  • How to meet with other photographers
  • What to look for
  • Shooting technique
  • And more

If you would like to volunteer for the race you can sign up here:

Please make sure we have your mobile number so we can add you to the WhatsApp group for updates and information on the day, you can ask questions and arrange to meet others from other photographers.

And thank you so much for participating on such a worthy cause.

Photo of London Centre for Photography group
London Centre for Photography
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