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What we’re about

Welcome to the Parent/Child Movie Makers Club! This group is all about bringing families together to explore the exciting world of acting, video production, and script development. Whether you're interested in overcoming stage fright, refining your film photography skills, or delving into indie filmmaking, this is the perfect place for both parents and children to learn, create, and have fun together. Join us and unleash your creativity as we collaborate on projects and support each other in bringing our visions to life on the big screen. Let's make magic happen!

  • We will be focusing on short stories and bringing them to life in the course of a day
  • Note: This is not a camp. This is an activity to do with your child, you can not drop them off there, and you are responsible for their well-being.
  • Creating something by the end of the day is the goal, and not making sure everyone gets an equal and fair turn at putting on a role. This will mean that kids will occasionally be disappointed at not being the director, the star, or be the one who's script gets used. We will make an effort to have everyone involved, but in the end, the goal is to make something that they can point to and be proud of.
  • Following the previous point, any parent and child can be removed from the group session and meetup group for any reason. Being a detriment to the creative process, feeling entitled to special treatment, or just bring a toxic or destructive attitude to the set will be cause for ejection.
  • By participating, you and your child agree that the rights of the work created will be the copyright of the group creator, who grants all participants the rights to share, reproduce and modify and distribute the creative works made during the group sessions. This includes being able to commercially distribute any derivative works, recognizing that this does not diminish the group creator's rights.

These videos will likely be distributed on youtube or other platforms.

Day format:
- Prior to meeting, anyone who wants to create a script, should do so.
- Script format should be 1-5 pages double spaced. End products will be expected to be less than 10 minutes in length.
- Bring 10 copies of the script
- If the script requires any props, wardrobes, or anything, please bring it with you
- We will be shooting exterior, and in a walkable area nearby. We can shoot and pretend that it is another time or place, but consider that there will be special effects, sets, or props
- We will meet up somewhere in Longview, most likely with food/coffee. Please expect to support the local business where we meet.
- We will likely be meeting either saturday or sunday around 1pm, reviewing and picking a script to shoot, heading to a location to shoot, and try to wrap up by 4pm-5pm.
- If you have any equipment you would like to bring, feel free to ping me.

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