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Mirror Darkly Expressive Writing Workshops

Hosted By
The Love S.


What is a Mirror Darkly Expressive Writing Workshop?

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." — 1 Corinthians 13:12, KJV

There are three parts to the Mirror Darkly Expressive Writing Workshop:

Part I: "now I know in part”

Quote Hunting: Individually we spend 10 minutes reviewing Journal by Shadow or Journal by Sprit on The Love Story . The intention of finding a quote(s) is for a jumping/starting off point for our journaling in Part II. It is not a prompt, but rather a narrowing of focus to begin.

Part II: "but then shall I know”

Individual Journaling :Using the quote found (or not, it’s not a requirement) we journal 15-20 minutes individually and distraction free in any format. It is to release and discover. It is not an assignment.

Part III: "even as also I am known”

Share & Resonate-edit: We share out writing via a google doc or pen to paper and we take turns reading it out loud. This is optional and is done by marking (highlighting, bolding, underlining) anonymously on the journal entry while the other person is reading their entry out loud. If you wrote pen to paper, the listeners jot down or write in the chat the parts they resonate with. It is only about resonation. This part is to hold space for each other while we release the truths we discovered and/or wrote down in the journaling segment. There is no cross talk, no offering feedback, and nothing is to leave the space. What happens in a workshop stays in a workshop.

Each workshop is different because the people who come into the session offer a unique imprint on the dynamic of each group. No one workshop is ever the same although our format is consistent.

Here is the link to the Newcomers Guide for more information.

We look forward to Journaling with you!

Photo of Los Angeles Expressive Writing Workshop group
Los Angeles Expressive Writing Workshop
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Every week on Wednesday until September 30, 2024

Online event
Link visible for attendees