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You’re Invited- Revive the Louisville Womens Social Meetup

Photo of Andrea
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You’re Invited- Revive the Louisville Womens Social Meetup


I am excited to welcome you to a special event to reignite the spirit of our Louisville Women’s Social group! Would you be interested in organizing? We want you at this meeting…

This initial gathering is a chance to reconnect, share your creativity, and help shape the direction of our group. Spots are limited to 10 amazing women, so RSVP soon! If you are interested in becoming an organizer this meeting is for you! I’d like our events to be free to members and fun.
Let’s make our group even more vibrant, fun and inspiring. We can’t wait to see you there! I know it’s a crazy time of year - more events will coming in the new year!

Photo of Louisville Women's Social Meetup group
Louisville Women's Social Meetup
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Teocalli Cocina Lafayette
103 n public rod Lafayette , · Lafayette, CO
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
10 spots left