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Health & Wellness: Join Local Wellbeing Groups on Meetup

Find health and wellness communities to meet people who share your passion for yoga, meditation, fitness, journaling, mindfulness, and more. Join a group today

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Join groups for your interests, from yoga and pilates to mindfulness and meditation. Make friends with people who like what you like.

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Discover Upcoming Online Events Around Health and Wellbeing

Health events and activities are happening every hour on Meetup. Log in to see what people are planning near you.

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Join Health and Wellness Groups Near You

Join a dedicated group of people to make friends who share your interests and live a healthier lifestyle. Strengthen your yoga, mediation, and fitness skills. Make your practice a habit.

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Try something new: discover health and wellness groups and meet new people

Popular health and wellness events

There are thousands of groups dedicated to health and wellbeing on Meetup, with events happening every day.

Upcoming online health and well-being events

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Become an organizer: Start your own health and wellness community

Become an organizer: Start your own health and wellness community

You don’t need to be an expert to start a group. Host wellness events and meet people who share your interests. Save 30% when you start a new group today!

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Brianna Stryker image

I have had the opportunity to meet amazing people within my community at my weekly yoga practice. This Meetup group has helped me connect with new people. I feel less isolated and sedentary than I ever have.

Brianna Stryker, Meetup member

Stories from Meetup members

Eight Daily Hacks for a Healthier Lifestyle

Eight Daily Hacks for a Healthier Lifestyle

These easy-to-implement tips will help you turn simple adjustments into real progress.

Recording: Meditation, Breathwork, and Self-Love

Recording: Meditation, Breathwork, and Self-Love

Learn about mindfulness techniques for cultivating calm, joy, and presence.

Accomplish Your Goals with Kaizen: the Japanese Philosophy of Good Change

Accomplish Your Goals with Kaizen: the Japanese Philosophy of Good Change

Learn how to gradually transform challenges into strengths through this life-changing practice of incremental improvement.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why are health and well-being important?

Health and wellbeing practices are essential. By making wellness part of your routine, you can prolong your life and reduce your risk of serious illnesses. Wellness practices are linked with better sleep, reduced stress, and improved immune systems—all of which are important for healthy living.

How can I make more time for wellness?

You can make more time for wellness by focusing on consistency. For example, it’s better to meditate for one or two minutes a day than to try and meditate for a half hour every few months. Find wellness events and communities to stay motivated and consistent.

What are the most popular types of wellness events on Meetup?

Popular wellness events on Meetup include meditation, yoga, mindfulness, Tai Chi, and journaling. You can find events and groups for almost any interest on Meetup. Log in to see what’s happening near you!