LRWG Annual General Meeting
**10.00 for 10.30 start**
Paid-up Ramblers members of LRWG are welcome to attend this year's AGM at Quorn Village Hall council chambers, 64 Leicester Road, Quorn LE12 8BB, on Sunday 8 December. The meeting will be in the morning - tea, coffee and biscuits provided! - and after lunch we'll go for a short afternoon walk from Quorn.
Gather from 10am at the venue to start the meeting at 10.30.
Please come along to participate in the meeting and elect next year's committee.
If you've not been to an AGM before the usual format / agenda is:
- Arrive - tea / coffee and biscuits
- Welcome
- Committee members' reports on the past year
- Accounts approved
- Election of committee for 2024-5: all current committee members step down at the AGM but may stand for re-election. Any paid-up Ramblers member of LRWG may stand for election to a committee post, whether or not the present post-holder is standing for re-election. Roles include:
- Chair - currently Rob Jones
- Secretary - currently Mark Hewitt
- Treasurer - currently Phil Vose
- Footpath Officer - currently Mark Hewitt
- Walks Programme Co-ordinator - currently Kirsten Wood
- New member enquiries - currently Barney Jones
- Social co-ordinator- currently vacant
- Webmaster - currently vacant
- Please let me know if you are interested n standing for any committee role or would like to find out more about it. We particularly encourage members to consider taking on a role that is currently vacant or where the same person is currently managing two roles.
- Any other business. This is our opportunity to discuss any issues that the group needs to talk about. Please let me know if there is any agenda item you would like to raise under AOB.
Then after lunch we'll go for a short afternoon walk from Quorn.
I'd like to send out the final agenda and list of committee candidates by the weekend of 30 Nov - 1 Dec at latest, so please let me know prior to Friday 29 November if you'd like to raise an agenda item or stand for a committee role.
Thank you for reading, and hope to see you there! Rob
LRWG Annual General Meeting