What we’re about
Connect with Portuguese speakers in the Philadelphia area. We are native Brazilians, native Portuguese, Portuguese teachers, English teachers, people who have lived in Brazil and Portugal, Portuguese language students, and other lusophiles. Speak Portuguese (alternating weeks) and English (every week) with native speakers and others who are serious about practicing these languages. Join us also for dinners, Brazilian films, Brazilian music, televised soccer games in bars, and other events in the greater Philadelphia area.
Anyone interested in organizing events in New Jersey or in suburbs of Philadelphia is welcome to become an event organizer.
We do not currently offer lessons. Those interested in studying Portuguese language should contact one of the following schools:
Diga Brazil, http://www.digabrazil.com/classes.htm,
Listen and Learn, http://www.listenandlearnusa.com/portuguese/philadelphia/,
Live Mocha (internet language exchange and courses), http://www.livemocha.com,
Philadelphia Language School, http://philadelphialanguagecenter.com/Foreign_Language_Program.html,
Verbal Planet (Skype tutoring), http://www.verbalplanet.com/.