What we’re about
Love Anime, Manga, Asian Dramas and Asian Music such as kpop then this is the place for you. Join in every 2 weeks on
either Friday or Monday and enjoy watching anime and two Saturdays of the month going to the cinema, restaurants and any other events you might be interested in.
Feel free to explore your anime, manga or Asian drama/music interest here.
Welcome to the group! Here's how it works:
We will have a monthly anime watch group. This will be in a hired room. If this is something you are interested in, let admins know. We'll also go to comic cons, the cinema & restaurants, so anyone is welcome to post an event.
Post any event you're interested in and members can mark themselves as 'going', or 'not going'. Please include date, time and location. For comic cons, please message the group closer to the time regarding trains and travel. Let us know what time to meet you and when the train will be leaving.