What we’re about
A welcoming and friendly group based in the Maidenhead area that aims to bring together like-minded people for fun social occasions including dining out, theatre, live music, boat trips, wine tasting, National Trust and garden visits.
Please see a summary of the group rules below:
- This is a non-profit group but members are required to pay a one-off subscription fee of £5.00 which is due within one month of joining. This sum will be applied towards the ongoing Meetup subscription.
- Members who have not attended or signed up for events after a period of four months from their joining date will be removed. They can always re-join at a later date if their circumstances change and find that they are able to participate in the group.
- RSVPs should always be kept up-to-date, even when only on a waitlist. If a member is no longer able to attend an event they should ideally provide at least 48 hours’ notice to allow time for anyone on the waitlist to respond. This is especially important for events such as restaurant meals where a specific number has been confirmed with a venue.
- Please note that this is purely a social, non profit making group, run by volunteers and is not to be used as a vehicle for commercial activities.
- As a social group we are keen to ensure that all events are harmonious and that members treat each other with respect. Members who cause friction and/or do not adhere to the above requirements will sadly be removed from the group.
- Please can members note that by attending events they are representing the group and the image we project to the wider community. Any feedback they provide to the venue, whether directly or through public online reviews, will reflect on the group and its reputation. Please show respect to event organisers by raising any grievances or complaints you may have with them directly, as the point of contact for the venue, so they can follow up any concerns in a fair and balanced manner.
This Meetup Group exists for the sole purpose of enabling its members to connect at social events. All the events are organised by volunteers who cannot take any responsibility for any incidents which may occur at these events. All members take part in all activities solely at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety. In no event will any of the organisers be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, consequential, or other loss, damage or injury arising from attending an event.