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What we’re about

People everywhere are awakening to a new paradigm of health - one in which there is a recognition that modern medicine and the media that promotes it - may be being doing more harm than good in addressing health issues.

The fact that the rates of chronic illnesses in children are skyrocketing - including autism, ADHD, food allergies, asthma, diabetes, obesity etc. etc. - should alone be enough to alert us that something is terribly wrong and that we are living in a toxic soup, and that cures to these ailments won't be found by further toxifying our bodies with ever-increasing medications.

Instead, the new paradigm says that our bodies are perfectly capable of healing most any disease if we live a healthy lifestyle and allow our bodies to heal themselves by avoiding all of the stressors we face including ultra-processed foods, unclean water, chemicals, EMFs, and many others.

We'll meet weekly, via Zoom to start, in a discussion format to share the steps we are each taking to live a more healthy lifestyle. Each week we'll focus in on a different theme including but not limited to food, water, sleep, excercise, EMFs, chemicals, plastics, supplements, sunshine and fresh air, grounding, light, healing energy, spirituality and many others.

I have no doubt we'll each pick up practical health-giving tips starting at our first meeting, whether you've been on your healing journey for many years or are just starting out. So bring a notepad, because even one tip could be a life-changer!

This Meet-Up group is inspired by the growing Make America Healthy (MAHA) Movement recently started by RFK Jr. in his ongong quest to improve the health of Americans and most importantly our children. Kennedy has been a tireless advocate for children's health through his work with the Chilren's Health Defense. Though we will no-doubt support many of Kennedy's approaches towards health, the group will in no way be political.

Instead, I personally hold the belief that our own healing journeys are the desperately needed starting points for the healing of the planet. Will you join me and others in this journey?