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What we’re about

●Group Purpose:
The purpose of this group is to build new friendships and networks in Dublin through international exchange and healthy activities.

We aim to create a relaxed environment where participants can naturally connect with each other through walks and social events.

●Who Should Join:

  • Anyone interested in international exchange
  • Those who enjoy a healthy lifestyle
  • People looking to make new friends
  • Those who prefer casual and relaxed social settings
  • Anyone eager to discover the charms of Dublin

●What We Do at Events:

  • Walking events around Dublin and its surroundings
  • Relaxed café gatherings for socializing
  • Cultural exchange events and language meetups
  • Seasonal or themed activities





  • 異文化交流に興味がある方
  • 健康的なライフスタイルを楽しみたい方
  • 新しい友人を作りたい方
  • リラックスした雰囲気で交流を楽しみたい方
  • ダブリンの魅力を発見したい方


  • ダブリン市内やその周辺を歩くウォーキングイベント
  • カフェでのリラックスした交流会
  • 各国の文化をテーマにしたイベントや言語交換会
  • 季節や特別なテーマに応じたアクティビティ

Upcoming events (2)

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