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Malaga Toastmasters in English public speaking Club - demo session II

Photo of Olli Lipsanen
Hosted By
Olli L.
Malaga Toastmasters in English public speaking Club - demo session II


Demo evening nro II - if you missed the first one or just believe in the power of repeat!

Want to know what Toastmasters public speaking club really is about? This is your chance to experience it all in action.
We will run a Toastmasters session that will help you understand how it all works and most importantly - why it is so VALUABLE!
Come and see how we create a safe environment for the members to practise public speaking, bit of impro and also active listening. While having fun!
Join this free of charge session at beautiful innovation Hub Polo Digital. Let's discuss after the session how you can join the actual Club that we are starting soon!

Photo of Malaga Toastmasters in English public speaking Club group
Malaga Toastmasters in English public speaking Club
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