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What we’re about

Are you a men or women who is newly single or separated or shy and going through a breakup? Then this group for you.

Learn how to ....

Moving on from narcissistic abuse
Anxiety support group
Life after a dysfunctional childhood
Building healthy relationships after after a dysfunctional childhood
Break free from cptsd and thrive together

Overcoming self sabotaging behaviour 

We do Regular webinar about dating and improving relationships and mental health.

what you will Learn:

1-Why Lots of People Go in Relationships for 2 Month or 4 Months and Then Break up?
2- how we self-sabotage love and how to stop doing this!
3-How To attract a Long Term Relationship?
4-How To Find True Love ?
5-How To Get Over Breakup ?
6- What Behaviour do we need to change to Manifest Longer Term Relationship .

Upcoming events (4+)

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