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Snowdonia Walking Social and Celebration Break 2024

Photo of Gordon Conway
Hosted By
Gordon C.
Snowdonia Walking Social and Celebration Break 2024


We have quite a lot to celebrate this year. Having come through the pandemic to be stronger than ever we now find ourselves TEN YEARS OLD as a group which is a great achievement. It is likewise an amazing TWENTY FIVE YEARS since Gordon started organising walks and weekends away and still going strong!

This therefore is our Celebration weekend for those things and why not celebrate them alongside Snowdon and Snowdonia where we can offer people their choice of fabulous routes up Snowdon and other walks besides and celebrate on Saturday Night as well.

We have amended this writeup slightly towards this objective and haven't forgotten our commitment to offer the Welsh 3000 Challenge as well which we have now posted as a separate event. There are still a small number of places available for that too.

This is therefore for everyone NOT doing the Welsh 3000 Challenge. Both groups share the same accommodation and domestic arrangements.

We hope to give participants the choice to tackle any of the main paths up and down Snowdon including Pyg, Miners, Watkins, Rhyd Ddu, Lanberis, Snowdon Ranger AND Crib Goch (if you have the confidence and ability to tackle the latter). We might also tackle the Nantile Ridge and easier walks in the area as well.

All food is provided from Friday dinner to packed lunch on Sunday but we have no staff as such so help is needed with preparation and clearing up on a voluntary basis. We do cater for most dietary requirements and preferences but please ask if unsure. All main meals are included but we don't normally provide biscuits, cakes or desserts so if you want to bring some of these to share that would be lovely.

YHA Snowdon Ranger is situated on the Beddgelert to Caernarfon road but is in an isolated spot with no pub or shops nearby so any drinks required need to be brought with you. Yes, we do stay up late, play board games and card games and will have a bit of music and dancing on Saturday night. so if you are a sensitive sleeper ear plugs can be a good idea.

The event is now available with a full payment of £89 payable when you book, to which must be added Meetup booking fees. You can also pay via BACS without booking fees but please let us know you are doing this so we can manually add you to the attendee list.

Account Code: 40848442
Sort Code: 56-00-61
Account Name: Peak Activities & Leisure Limited

For those who paid a deposit, the balance of £69 was payable by BACS 12 weeks prior to the event being 5th July 2024 so now overdue.

If you have to cancel with more than 28 clear days notice your full payment will be refunded less a £20 cancellation fee. No refunds will be provided to those cancelling with less than 28 clear days notice. ("clear" means does not include event start date or cancellation date!

Photo of Manchester Walkers Hikers Ramblers and Leisure Group group
Manchester Walkers Hikers Ramblers and Leisure Group
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YHA Snowdon Ranger
A4085 · Caernarfon
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
40 spots left