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What we’re about

Juggling is not only a great hobby, but also is a wonderful social activity. Won't you come join us and toss some things in the air? It's really fun!

What's that? You say you don't know how to juggle? Don't let that stop you from joining us! Gene will provide you with the instruction you need to get started, and a set of juggling balls to practice with. Inexpensive DIY ones, mind you, made out of balloons and rice. But you can keep them if you promise to practice! Put in that practice, and you'll surprise yourself with what you can do!

We'll start with Saturday mornings at Crossroads Park get things going and see where that takes us...

Come be a Juggle Head!!!

P.S. If you're into other kinds of object manipulation arts - poi, diabolo, "devilsticks", kendama, balance board ... - by all means, bring them and practice in community!

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