Birding Sunnyhill Restoration - Blue House Trailhead - Paid Members Only
Join Liz Stakenborg and Marion Audubon on a guided bird tour at Sunnyhill Restoration Area. We have authorization to drive onto the property. Please be aware that carpooling will be necessary and that we will most likely need to have 4 people to a car. We will drive through the Sunnyhill Restoration area and stop multiple times along the way. Please park at the Blue House Trailhead. This is a paid members only walk with limited space. If you are unsure whether you are a member, please contact Liz Stakenborg at [email protected]
Target birds: Sedge and Marsh Wrens, Bald Eagles, Hawks, Sparrows, various Woodpeckers and Warblers in the tall trees. We could also see or hear Least Bitterns, Soras, Virginia and King Rails.
Birding Sunnyhill Restoration - Blue House Trailhead - Paid Members Only