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What we’re about

Welcome start-up founders, entrepreneurs, marketers & everyone in between! The global crowdfunding market is projected to reach $300 billion by 2030 and there are expected to be 12,063,870 campaigns launched by 2023. On average, less than 30% of all campaigns that launch reach their funding goal and less than 0.5% of the successfully funded campaign crosses the $1M mark.

This group is for everyone who is interested in, thinking about or starting to plan to launch a crowdfunding campaign... and who want to crush their funding goal!

If you are;

  1. A marketer looking to learn more about crowdfunding or new product launches

  2. A business owner or entrepreneur who is thinking about launching their product on Kickstarter or Indiegogo

  3. Just interested in meeting cool people and loves the start-up vibes

Then this group is absolutely for you!

Upcoming events

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