Cromwell Park: 4.5 Mile Moderate Hike
On this hike we will experience beauty of Cromwell Park trails. Sunny skies and warm temperatures are expected.
This moderate hike will allow you to see scenic trails along with getting the benefits of fresh air and exercise. Bring snacks, water and a great attitude.
RSVP COMMON COURTESY: Only RSVP if you intend to make the hike a priority, not just an option. Specifically, it is Not fair to take a confirmed spot, then cancel less than 48 hours in advance, limiting your fellow Maryland Hiking and Adventuring members' in “waitlist” status the potential to participate!
DOGS: There is a limit of one dog for this hike. Please send or post a message if you want to bring a dog. You and the dog must keep pace. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: The dog is well behaved around our group, others and other dogs on trail. Keep the dog hydrated throughout the hike. Thanks!
WHY WE VOLUNTEER: Your organizers are volunteers and we are sharing our passion for the outdoors. We organize events for fun, to socialize, get exercise, experience nature and meet cool new people. No bad attitudes please. :)
DISCLAIMERS: At all our events, please remember you are responsible for your own safety. We cannot eliminate all risk for those who attend this event and you must take responsibility for yourself. Our organizers will do their best to use common sense to minimize our risks.
Most of all, I look forward to our hike. For any last minute concerns, my cell is (443) 857-2909
Every 3rd Sunday of the month until December 14, 2024
Cromwell Park: 4.5 Mile Moderate Hike