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Is Peace Inevitable? (Free Event)

Photo of Stephan
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Is Peace Inevitable? (Free Event)


The idea of achieving “World Peace” is thought by some to be a utopian fantasy – a dream – something that sounds nice but is too far out of reach. But is it really? What if peace is not just possible but actually inevitable?

Humanity’s history is riddled with war and conflict. There isn’t a community in this world that hasn’t in some way been touched by war and their effects, with so many still suffering today. Though we have made great strides as a global society, we still seem to be surrounded by aggression and hate, by injustice and inequity. Conflict seems to rule society in our media, economic, political, and religious systems. Many even believe that conflict is intrinsic to human nature. But is it actually? Or do we have a higher calling as our true, spiritual nature? Might recognizing and nurturing this nature help us move beyond this cycle of destruction?

Destruction is easy, but peace is difficult. It must be built and it must be maintained. At times this task can seem daunting to say the least. But it’s not out of reach. All around us we can find glimmers of hope and the promise of a better world. But how can we actually achieve it? Is it a process out of our hands? Or do we have agency in bringing it about – and in determining how quickly? Is there a role that each of us can play in achieving the promise of world peace? Are there spiritual qualities and virtues we can develop to bring about the changes necessary to achieve this? How might we support one another as we work together to build a more secure, more peaceful world?

Come join a different kind of conversation – one that welcomes every perspective in a search for the underlying truths that unite us all – as we discuss the spiritual perspectives offered by the Bahá’í Teachings on what will be required to achieve true and lasting peace. Join us for a lively discussion as we explore the role each of us can play in bringing about humanity’s peace.

“These are the darkest hours before the break of day. Peace, as promised, will come at night’s end. Press on to meet the dawn.” – Bahá’í Teachings

*** This event is free and open to all regardless of background or belief. Donations will not be accepted.

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Meaningful Conversations Akron
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