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What we’re about

Medicine Music Movement is an event production movement and hallmark for the current turning point of our collective evolution, providing heart-centered communal gatherings to initiate the collective process of soul embodiment currently unfolding to usher in the evolution of our planetary state into harmonic expression. 

Medicine Music Movement not intended to be brand, club, or cultural niche that is defined by a certain subgroup of people - it is a simple return to our human nature, going beneath the superficial formats in which we have come to repress our capacity to feel safe exploring our authentic expression in social setting. We do this through intimate gatherings and events to invigorate the integral medicines of music and movenet, through prayer, love, music, and dance.  to rewakening our ancestral codes  dna for holistic wellness, support coming back to the senses that make us human, and  

 we believe that the medicine the world is needed is truly found in freedom for personal expression, ecsentuated in community - in the integration point between doing the healing inner-work, and celebrating the gift's of human beauty and creativity - we contribute in prayers and create the ways to guide is deeper into our bodies and authenti cheart expressions, to go out in the world and embody what is possible within these sacred, transformational containers. We manifest micro-cosmic vortexes for authentic human connection, expression, and transformation - gathering as a community to brdige our ancient origins and potentional flourishing in the deepest spiritual intention to allow for the flow of spiritual to channel and unlcoh through us, to guide us forward in potent expansion and awakening, as we viscerally explore andremember what it is to be truly human.

There will be different events, from cacao ceremony and song circles, get in touch with medicnes and prayers, and sing songs to open our channels and a field as a collectiv,e this ancient way and healing music that returns us to our bodies, to our selfs, and to the song of creation being sung through us all.

there will also be movement workshops, soul embodiment expirience designed to give direct expirience of contact with the true slf, and faciliate a safe and serious environment to tune into freedom beyond judgment, and turly allow the authentic dvine self to reinhabit our primary controls, beyond egoic control, and reintegrate our light bodies in to merging the visceral emboidment of the soul to be danced in the world ith increased eenrgy flow, joy, and sensual unity.

there are mnothly events hosted- in the new paradigm of parties, with conscous dj and music, and workshops to ease people into their bodies. no alcahol or substances- although cacao and other elixiers will serve. to gather together in prayer, and celebrate beauty without the extra shit- taking ecstatic dances and conscious gathering sot the next level in epicness, by DJ Audionai